R. Yang, Y. Hou, S. Blade, Y. Li, V. Tyagi, G. Boudreault-Morales, J. Zariffa, X. Liu, "A multi-modal system featuring wireless flexible sensor patches and a depth-sensing imager for home-based monitoring of rehabilitation exercises", Integrated Circuits and Systems, in press, 2024.
G. Balbinot, M. Milosevic, C.M Morshead, S. Iwasa, J. Zariffa, L. Milosevic, T.A Valiante, J.A. Hoffer, M.R. Popovic, "The mechanisms of electrical neuromodulation", Journal of Phyiology, in press, 2024.
M. Dousty, D.J. Fleet, J. Zariffa, "A Personalized Video-Based Hand Taxonomy: Application for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, in press, 2024 (also available on arXiv: 2403.18094).
N. Zhao, J. Zariffa, "Automated Hand Prehension Assessment From Egocentric Video After Spinal Cord Injury", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 32:2864-2872, 2024.
A. Kaiser, K. Chan, S. Jaglal, J. Zariffa, K.E. Musselman, "Development of an activity-based therapy tracking tool: Item generation and reduction using the Delphi method", Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, in press, 2024
S. Tajali, G. Balbinot, M. Pakosh, D. Sayenko, J. Zariffa and K. Masani, "Modulations in neural pathways excitability post transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation among individuals with spinal cord injury: a systematic review", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18:1372222, 2024.
A. Gill, J. Zariffa, “Time series classification of multi-channel nerve cuff recordings using deep learning”, PLOS ONE, 19(3):e0299271, 2024.
​S.P. Mathew, J. Dawe, K.E. Musselman, M. Petrevska, J. Zariffa, J. Andrysek, E. Biddiss, “Measuring Functional Hand Use in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy using Accelerometers and Machine Learning”, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 66:1380-1389, 2024
Y.E. Hwang, L. Long, J. Sales Filho, R. Genov, J. Zariffa, “Closed-loop control of functional electrical stimulation using a selectively recording and bidirectional nerve cuff interface”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 32:504-513, (also available on bioRxiv: 2023.06.22.546126), 2024.
T. Jawad, R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa, “Selective peripheral nerve recording using simulated human median nerve activity and convolutional neural networks”, BioMedical Engineering Online, 22:118, 2023.
Li, G., G. Balbinot, J.C. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, “A computational model of surface electromyography signal alterations after spinal cord injury”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 20:066020, 2023.
J. Xu, J. Sales Filho, S. Nag, L. Long, E. Hwang, C. Tejeiro, G. O'Leary, Y. Huang, M. Kanchwala, M. Abdolrazzaghi, C. Tang, P. Liu, Y. Sui, H. You, X. Liu, J. Zariffa, R. Genov, "Fascicle-Selective Ultrasound-Powered Bidirectional Wireless Peripheral Nerve Interface IC", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 17(6):1237-1256, 2023.
Y. E. Hwang, R. Genov, J. Zariffa, "Resource-efficient Neural Network Architectures for Classifying Nerve Cuff Recordings on Implantable Devices", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 71(2):631-639, 2023 (also available on bioRxiv:2022.10.05.510983).
M. Tsai, R.H. Wang, J. Zariffa, “Recognizing hand use and hand role at home after stroke from egocentric video”, PLoS Digital Health, 2(10): e0000361, 2023 (also available on arXiv:2207.08920).
A. Kaiser, K. Chan, J. Sessford, S. McCullum, P. Athanasopoulos, C. Rice, J. Leo, I. MacRitchie, J. Zariffa, K.E. Musselman, “Providing Insights into the Challenges of Implementing Activity-Based Therapy in Canada: A Comparative Analysis Using Focus Group Interviews with Key Interest Groups”, Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 29(Suppl):53-74, 2023.
A. Kadambi, A. Bandini, R. Ramkalawan, S. Hitzig, J. Zariffa, “Designing an egocentric video-based dashboard to report hand performance measures for outpatient rehabilitation of cervical spinal cord injury”, Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 29(suppl): 75–87, 2023.
I. Demchenko, N. Desai, S.N. Iwasa, F. Gholamali Nezhad, J. Zariffa, S.H. Kennedy, N.O. Rule, J.F. Cohn, M.R. Popovic, B.H. Mulsant, V. Bhat, “Manipulating Facial Musculature with Functional Electrical Stimulation as an Intervention for Major Depressive Disorder: A Focused Search of Literature for a Proposal”, Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 20(1):64, 2023.
M. Dousty, A. Bandini, P. Eftekhar, D.J. Fleet, J. Zariffa, “Grasp Analysis in the Home Environment as a Measure of Hand Function after Cervical Spinal Cord Injury”, Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 37(7):466–474, 2023.
M. Dousty, D.J. Fleet, J. Zariffa, "Hand grasp classification in egocentric video after cervical spinal cord injury." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 28(2):645-654, 2024.
A. Kaiser, J. Sessford, K. Chan, S. Martin, S. McCullum, P. Athanasopoulos, C. Rice, J. Leo, S. Forrester, I. MacRitchie, J. Zariffa, K.E. Musselman, "Tracking activity-based therapy for people living with spinal cord injury or disease: insights gained through focus group interviews with key stakeholders," Disability and Rehabilitation, 46(7):1354-1365, 2024.
G. Balbinot, G. Li, C. Gauthier, K.E. Musselman, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, “Functional electrical stimulation therapy for upper extremity rehabilitation following spinal cord injury: a pilot study,” Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 9(1):11, 2023.
M. Tsai, R.H. Wang, J. Zariffa, “Validity of novel outcome measures for handfunction performance after stroke using egocentric video”, Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 37(2-3):142-150, 2023.
G. Balbinot, G. Li, S. Kalsi-Ryan, R. Abel, D. Maier, Y. Kalke, N. Weidner, R. Rupp, M. Schubert, A. Curt, J. Zariffa, " Segmental motor recovery after cervical spinal cord injury relates to density and integrity of corticospinal tract projections", Nature Communications, 14:723, 2023.
M. Tsai, S. Atputharaj, J. Zariffa, R.H. Wang, "Perspectives and Expectations of Stroke Survivors Using Egocentric Cameras for Monitoring Hand Function at Home: A Mixed Methods Study", Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 19(3):878-888, 2024.
A. Kaiser, K. Chan, M. Pakosh, S. McCullum, C. Rice, J. Zariffa, K.E. Musselman, "A scoping review of the characteristics of activity-based therapy interventions across the continuum of care for people living with spinal cord injury or disease", Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation, 4(4):100218, 2022.
R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa, L. Jabban, S. Yen, N. Donaldson, B.W. Metcalfe, "Tutorial: A guide to techniques for analysing recordings from the peripheral nervous system", Journal of Neural Engineering, 19(4):042001, 2022.
A. Bandini, M. Dousty, S.L. Hitzig, B.C. Craven, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa. “Measuring hand use in the home after cervical spinal cord injury using egocentric video.” Journal of Neurotrauma, 39:23-24, 1697-1707, 2022.
G. Balbinot, M.J. Wiest, G. Li, M. Pakosh, J.C. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "The use of surface electromyography in neurorehabilitation following traumatic spinal cord injury: a scoping review", Clinical Neurophysiology, 138:61-73, 2022.
H. Jervis Rademeyer, C. Gauthier, J. Zariffa, K. Walden, T. Jeji, S. McCullum, K.E. Musselman, "Using activity-based therapy for individuals with spinal cord injury or disease: Interviews with physical and occupational therapists in rehabilitation hospitals", Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 46(2):298-308, 2023.
M. ElAnsary, J. Xu, J.S. Fihlo, G. Dutta, L. Long, C. Tejeiro, A. Shoukry, C. Tang, E. Kilinc, J. Joshi, P. Sabetian, S. Unger, J. Zariffa, P. Yoo, R. Genov, “Bidirectional peripheral nerve interface with 64 2nd-order opamp-less ∆∑ ADCs and fully-integrated wireless power/data transmission”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 56(11): 3247-3262, 2021.
G. Balbinot, G. Li, M.J. Wiest, M. Pakosh, J.C. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Properties of the surface electromyogram following traumatic spinal cord injury: a scoping review", Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 18:105, 2021.
K.E. Musselman, K. Walden, V.K. Noonan, H. Jervis-Rademeyer, N. Thorogood, L. Bouyer, B. Chan, S. Donkers, C. Ho, T. Jeji, A. Kaiser, T.D. Klassen, J. Zariffa, C. Grant, K. Masani, D. Zbogar, P. Athanasopoulous, and the Canadian ABT Summit Attendees, "Development of priorities for a Canadian strategy to advance activity-based therapies after spinal cord injury", Spinal Cord, 59(8): 874-884, 2021.
A. Bandini, S. Kalsi-Ryan, B.C. Craven, J. Zariffa, S.L. Hitzig, "Perspectives and recommendations of individuals with tetraplegia regarding wearable cameras for monitoring hand function at home: insights from a community-based study", Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 44:sup1, S173-S184, 2021.
M. Tsai, R.H. Wang, J. Zariffa, “Identifying hand use and hand roles after stroke using egocentric video.”, IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 9:2100510, 2021.
J. Likitlersuang, R. Visée, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Capturing hand use of individuals with spinal cord injury at home using egocentric video: A feasibility study." Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 7: 17, 2021.
H. Singh, K. Musselman, T.J.F. Colella, K.S. McGilton, A. Iaboni, M. Bayley, J. Zariffa, “Exploring the perspectives of outpatient rehabilitation clinicians on the challenges with monitoring patient health, function and activity in the community”, Disability and Rehabilitation, 44:12, 2858-2867, 2022.
J. Silverman, G. Balbinot, K. Masani, J. Zariffa, “Validity and reliability of surface electromyography features in lower-extremity muscle contraction in healthy and spinal cord injured participants”, Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 27(4):14-27, 2021.
M. Dousty, J. Zariffa, “Tenodesis Grasp Detection in Egocentric Video”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25(5): 1463-1470, 2021.
A. Bandini, J. Zariffa. "Analysis of the hands in egocentric vision: A survey.", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 45(6): 6846-6866, 2023.
S.L. Hitzig, A.L. Mayo, A. Kayssi, R. Viana, C. MacKay, M. Devlin, S. Dilkas, A. Domingo, J.S. Hebert, W.C. Miller, J. Andrysek, F. Azhari, H.L. Baltzer, C. de Mestral, D.K. Dittmer, N.L. Dudek, S. Grad, S.J.T. Guilcher, N. Habra, S.W. Hunter, W.S. Journeay, J. Katz, S. King, M.W. Payne, H.A. Underwood, J. Zariffa, A. Aternali, S.L. Atkinson, S. Brooks, S.R. Cimino, J. Rios, "Identifying priorities and developing strategies for building capacity in amputation research in Canada", Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(19):2779-2789, 2021.
S. Sammut, R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa. "Compensation Strategies for Bioelectric Signal Changes in Chronic Selective Nerve Cuff Recordings: A Simulation Study." Sensors, 21(2):506, 2021 .
M.F. Tsai, A. Bandini, R.H. Wang, J. Zariffa. “Capturing Representative Hand Use at Home Using Egocentric Video in Individuals with Upper Limb Impairment.” J. Vis. Exp. (166):e61898, 2020.
D. Tovbis, A. Agur, J.P.M. Mogk, J. Zariffa, "Automatic Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Fascicles in Peripheral Nerves from Histological Images", PLOS One, 15(5):e0233028, 2020.
R.J. Visée, J. Likitlersuang, J. Zariffa, "An Effective and Efficient Method for Detecting Hands in Egocentric Videos for Rehabilitation Applications", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(3):748-755, 2020.
R.G.L. Koh, M. Balas, A.I. Nachman, J. Zariffa, "Selective peripheral nerve recordings from nerve cuff electrodes using convolutional neural networks", Journal of Neural Engineering, 17(1):016042, 2020.
N. Kapadia, V. Zivanovic, B. Moineau, J. Downar, , M.R. Popovic, “Functional electrical stimulation of the facial muscles to improve symptoms in individuals with major depressive disorder: pilot feasibility study”, Biomedical Engineering Online, 18:109, 2019.
F. Mansouri, A. Shanbour, F. Mazza, P. Fettes, J. Zariffa, J. Downar, "Effect of theta transcranial alternating current stimulation and phase-locked transcranial pulsed current stimulation on learning and cognitive control", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13:1181, 2019.
E. Ereifej, C. Shell, J. Schofield, H. Charkhkar, I. Cuberovic, A. Dorval, E. Graczyk, T. Kozai, K. Otto, D. Tyler, C. Welle, A. Widge, J. Zariffa, C. Moritz, D. Bourbeau, P. Marasco, "Neural engineering: the process, applications, and its role in the future of medicine." Journal of Neural Engineering, 16:063002, 2019.
R.G.L. Koh, A.I. Nachman, J. Zariffa "Classification of naturally evoked compound action potentials in peripheral nerve spatiotemporal recordings". Scientific Reports, 9:11145, 2019.
J. Likitlersuang, E.R. Sumitro, T. Cao, R.J. Visée, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa. "Egocentric video: A new tool for capturing hand use of individuals with spinal cord injury at home". Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 16(1):83, 2019.
J. Dawe, J.F. Yang, D. Fehlings, J. Likitlersuang, P. Rumney, J. Zariffa, K.E. Musselman, “Validating accelerometry as a measure of arm movement for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy”, Physical Therapy, 99(6):721-729, 2019.
F. Mansouri, P. Fettes, L. Schulze, P. Giacobbe, J. Zariffa, J. Downar, "A Real-Time Phase-Locking System for Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12:877, 2018.
J. Zariffa, M. Myers, M. Coahran, R.H. Wang, "Smallest real differences for robotic measures of upper extremity function after stroke: implications for tracking recovery", Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 2055668318788036, 2018.
F. Mansouri, A. Mir-Moghtadaei, V. Niranjan, J.S. Wu, D. Akhmedjanov, M. Nuh, T. Cairo, P. Giacobbe, J. Zariffa, J. Downar, "Development and Validation of a 3D-Printed Neuronavigation Headset for Therapeutic Brain Stimulation", Journal of Neural Engineering, 15(4):046034, 2018.
J. Likitlersuang, R.G.L. Koh, X. Gong, L. Jovanovic, I. Bolivar Tellería, M. Myers, J. Zariffa, C. Marquez-Chin, "EEG-Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation Therapy with Automated Grasp Selection: A Proof-of-Concept Study", Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 24(3):265-274, 2018.
K. Musselman, M. Shah, J. Zariffa, "Rehabilitation technologies and interventions for individuals with spinal cord injury: Translational potential of current trends", Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 15:40, 2018.
J. Trac, J. Dawe, J. Likitlersuang, K. Musselman, J. Zariffa, "Influence of upper limb movement patterns on accelerometer measurements: a pediatric case series", Physiological Measurement, 39(4): 04NT02, 2018.
H. Singh, J. Unger, J. Zariffa, M. Pakosh, S. Jaglal, B.C. Craven, K.E. Musselman, "Robot-assisted upper extremity rehabilitation for cervical spinal cord injuries: A systematic scoping review", Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 13(7):704-715, 2018.
L. Jones, A. Bryden, T. Wheeler, K. Tansey, K. Anderson, M.S. Beattie, A. Blight, A. Curt, E. Field-Fote, J. Guest, J. Hsieh, L. Jakeman, S. Kalsi-Ryan, L. Krisa, D. Lammertse, B. Leiby, R. Marino, J. Schwab, G. Scivoletto, D. Tulsky, E. Wirth, J. Zariffa, N. Kleitman, M. Mulcahey, J. Steeves, "Considerations and Recommendations for Selection and Utilization of Upper Extremity Clinical Outcome Assessments in Human Spinal Cord Injury Trials", Spinal Cord, 56(5):414-425, 2018.
M.G. Garcia-Garcia, A.J. Bergquist, H. Vargas-Perez, M.K. Nagai, J. Zariffa, C. Marquez-Chin, M.R. Popovic, “Neuron Type-Specific Utility in a Brain-Machine Interface: A Pilot Study”, Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 40(6):715-722, 2017.
F. Mansouri, K. Dunlop, P. Giacobbe, J. Downar, and J. Zariffa, “A fast EEG forecasting algorithm for phase-locked transcranial electrical stimulation of the human brain”, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11:401, 2017.
J. Likitlersuang, E.R. Sumitro, P. Theventhiran, S. Kalsi-Ryan and J. Zariffa, “Views of individuals with spinal cord injury on the use of wearable cameras to monitor upper limb function in the home and community”, Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 40(6):706-714, 2017.
J. Likitlersuang and J. Zariffa, “Interaction detection in egocentric video: Towards a novel outcome measure for upper extremity function", Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 22(2):561-569, 2018.
R.G.L. Koh, A. Nachman, J. Zariffa, “Use of spatiotemporal templates for pathway discrimination in peripheral nerve recordings: A simulation study", Journal of Neural Engineering, 14(1):016013, 2017.
P. Garai, R.G.L. Koh, M. Schuettler, T. Stieglitz, J. Zariffa, “Influence of anatomical detail and tissue conductivity variations in simulations of multi-contact nerve cuff recordings", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25(9):1653-1662, 2017.
J. Zariffa, A. Curt, M.C. Verrier, M.G. Fehlings, S. Kalsi-Ryan, GRASSP Cross-Sectional Study Team, and Ontario GRASSP Longitudinal Study Team, “Predicting task performance from upper extremity impairment measures after cervical spinal cord injury", Spinal Cord, 54(12):1145-1151, 2016.
J. Zariffa, V. Grouza, M.R. Popovic and M.M. Hassouna, “A phase-based electrical plethysmography approach to bladder volume measurement", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 44(4):1299-1309, 2016.
J.F. Tan, K. Masani, A.H. Vette, J. Zariffa, M.Robinsson, C. Lynch, and M.R. Popovic "Inverted pendulum standing apparatus for investigating closed-loop control of ankle joint muscle contractions during functional electrical stimulation", International Scholarly Research Notices, 2014:192097, 2014.
K. Masani, M. Alizadeh-Meghrazi, D.G. Sayenko, J. Zariffa, C. Moore, L. Giangregorio, M.R. Popovic and B.C Craven "Muscle activity, cross-sectional area, and density following passive standing and whole body vibration: A case series", Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 37(5):575-581, 2014.
M. Alizadeh-Meghrazi, K. Masani, J. Zariffa, D.G. Sayenko, M.R. Popovic and B.C Craven "Effect of whole-body vibration on lower-limb EMG activity in subjects with and without spinal cord injury", Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 37(5):525-536, 2014.
M. Alizadeh-Meghrazi, J. Zariffa, K. Masani, M.R. Popovic and B.C. Craven "Variability of vibrations produced by commercial whole-body vibration platforms", Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 46(9):937-940, 2014.
S.C. McGie, J. Zariffa, M.R. Popovic, and M.K. Nagai "Short-term neuroplastic effects of brain-controlled and muscle-controlled electrical stimulation", Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, 18(3):233-240, 2015.
J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Hand contour detection in wearable camera video using an adaptive histogram region of interest", Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 10(1):114, 2013.
J. Zariffa, S.L. Hitzig and M.R. Popovic, "Neuromodulation of emotion using functional electrical stimulation applied to facial muscles", Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, 17(1): 85-92, 2014.
J. Zariffa, J.D. Steeves and D.K. Pai, "Changes in hand muscle synergies in subjects with spinal cord injury: characterization and functional implications ", Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 35(5): 310-318, 2012 (invited paper).
J. Zariffa, J.L.K. Kramer, L. Jones, D.P. Lammertse, A. Curt and J.D. Steeves, "Sacral sparing in SCI: beyond the S4/S5 and anorectal examination", The Spine Journal, 12(5): 389-400, 2012.
J.L.K. Kramer, P. Taylor, J. Haefeli, J. Blum, J. Zariffa, A. Curt and J.D. Steeves, "Test-retest reliability of contact heat evoked potentials from cervical dermatomes", Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 29(1):70-75, 2012.
J. Zariffa, N. Kapadia, J.L.K. Kramer, P. Taylor, M. Alizadeh-Meghrazi, V. Zivanovic, U. Albisser, R. Willms, A. Townson, A. Curt, M.R. Popovic and J.D. Steeves, "Relationship between clinical assessments and measurements from an upper-limb robotic rehabilitation device in a population with spinal cord injury", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 20(3):341-350, 2012.
J.D. Steeves, J.L.K. Kramer and J. Zariffa, "Traversing the Translational Trail for Trials", Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 18(1):79-84, 2012.
J.D. Steeves, J. Zariffa and J.L.K. Kramer, "Are You "Tilting at Windmills" or Undertaking a Valid Clinical Trial?", Yonsei Medical Journal, 52(5):701-716, 2011.
J. Zariffa, J.D. Steeves and D.K. Pai, "Muscle tension estimation in the presence of neuromuscular impairment", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133(12):121009, 2011.
J. Zariffa, A. Curt and J.D. Steeves, "Functional motor preservation below the level of injury in subjects with AIS A spinal cord injuries", Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(5):905-907, 2012 (brief communication).
J. Zariffa, N. Kapadia, J.L.K. Kramer, P. Taylor, M. Alizadeh-Meghrazi, V. Zivanovic, R. Willms, A. Townson, A. Curt, M.R. Popovic and J.D. Steeves, "Feasibility and efficacy of upper limb robotic rehabilitation in a subacute cervical SCI population", Spinal Cord, 50: 220-226, 2012.
J. Zariffa, M.K. Nagai, M. Schuettler, T. Stieglitz, Z.J. Daskalakis and M.R. Popovic, "Use of an experimentally derived leadfield in the peripheral nerve pathway discrimination problem", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 19(2):147-156, 2011.
J. Zariffa, J.L.K. Kramer, J.W. Fawcett, D.P. Lammertse, A.R. Blight, J. Guest, L. Jones, S. Burns, M. Schubert, M. Bolliger, A. Curt and J.D. Steeves, "Characterization of neurological recovery following traumatic sensorimotor complete thoracic spinal cord injury", Spinal Cord, 49:463-471, 2011.
L. Vaisman, J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Application of singular spectrum-based change-point analysis to EMG onset detection", Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 20:750-760, 2010.
J. Zariffa, M.K. Nagai, Z.J. Daskalakis and M.R. Popovic, "Influence of the number and location of recording contacts on the selectivity of a nerve cuff electrode", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(5):420-427, 2009.
J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Localization of active pathways in peripheral nerves: a simulation study", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(1):53-62, 2009.
J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Solution space reduction in the peripheral nerve source localization problem using forward field similarities", Journal of Neural Engineering, 5(2):191-202, 2008.
J. Zariffa and B.L. Bardakjian, "Neuronal electrical rhythms described by composite mapped clock oscillators", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 34(1):128-141, 2006.
J. Zariffa, M. Ebden, and B.L. Bardakjian, "A synaptic input portal for a mapped clock oscillator model of neuronal electrical rhythmic activity", Journal of Neural Engineering, 1(3):158-164, 2004.
R. Yang, Y. Hou, Y. Li, V. Tyagi, G. Boudreault-Morales, S. Zhou, J. Zariffa, X. Liu, "A Multi-Modal System with Wireless Flexible Sensor Patches and a Depth-Sensing Imager for At-Home Monitoring of Rehabilitation Exercises", IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Xi'an, China, October 24-26, 2024.
Q. Deng, J. Ma, H. Cai, H. You, M. Kanchwala, J. Xu, A. Amirsoleimani, J. Zariffa, R. Genov, "Multiplierless Spiking Neural Network for Motor Signal Decoding in the Peripheral Nervous System", IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Xi'an, China, October 24-26, 2024.
​A. Kadambi, J. Zariffa, "Providing Hand Use Context for Outpatient Neurorehabilitation with Egocentric Object Detection", IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, October 15-18, 2023, Pittsburgh, USA.
J. Xu, J. Sales Filho, S. Nag, L. Long, C. Tejeiro, E. Hwang, G. O'Leary, Y. Huang, M. Kanchwala, M. Abdolrazzaghi, C. Tang, P. Liu, Y. Sui, X. Liu, G. Eleftheriades, J. Zariffa, R. Genov, "Fascicle-Selective Bidirectional Peripheral Nerve Interface IC with 173dB FOM Noise-Shaping SAR ADCs and 1.38pJ/b Frequency-Multiplying Current-Ripple Radio Transmitter", International Solid-State Circuits Conference, February 19-23 2023, San Francisco, USA.
R. Koh, L. Jabban, M. Fukushi, I. Adeyinka, J. Zariffa, B. Metcalfe. (2022, April). “A comparison of extraneural approaches for selective recording in the peripheral nervous system”, 44th Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 11-15, 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
M. El Ansary, J. Xu, J. Sales Filho, G. Dutta, L. Long, A. Shoukry, C. Tejeiro, C. Tang, E. Kilinc, J. Joshi, P. Sabetian, S. Unger, J. Zariffa, P. Yoo, R. Genov, “Multi-Modal Peripheral Nerve Active Probe and Microstimulator with On-Chip Dual-Coil Power/Data Transmission and 64 2nd-Order Opamp-Less ΔΣ ADCs”, International Solid-State Circuits Conference, February 13-22 2021, virtual.
S. Sammut, R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa, “Compensating for Electrode Contact Failures in Chronic Selective Nerve Cuff Recordings: A Simulation Study”, 54th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, November 1-4, 2020 [virtual].
M. Tsai, R.H. Wang, J. Zariffa, “Generalizability of hand-object interaction detection in egocentric video across populations with hand impairment”, 42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 20-24, 2020 [virtual].
A. Bandini, M. Dousty, J. Zariffa, “A wearable vision-based system for detecting hand-object interactions in individuals with cervical spinal cord injury: First results in the home environment”, 42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 20-24, 2020 [virtual].
M. Dousty, J. Zariffa, “Towards clustering hand grasps of individuals with spinal cord injury in egocentric video”, 42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 20-24, 2020 [virtual].
S. Sammut, R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa, “Impact of encapsulation tissue growth on selective recording in nerve cuff electrodes: A simulation study”, 42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 20-24, 2020 [virtual].
R. Visée, J. Likitlersuang, J. Zariffa, "Detecting hands in egocentric videos after spinal cord injury through a combination of object detection and tracking approaches", Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA; part of RehabWeek), June 24-28, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019.
R.G.L. Koh, J. Likitlersuang, X. Gong, L. Jovanovic, I. Bolivar Telleria, M. Myers, J. Zariffa, C. Marquez-Chin, "Automatic Configuration of an EEG-Triggered Neuroprosthesis for Grasping: Proof of Concept Study", International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society conference, August 28-31, 2018, Nottwil, Switzerland.
R.G.L. Koh and J. Zariffa, "Effects of the choice of reference on the selectivity of a multi-contact nerve cuff electrode", 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 16-August 20, 2016, Orlando, FL, USA.
J. Zariffa, S.L. Hitzig and M.R. Popovic, "Functional electrical stimulation applied to facial muscles can be used to neuromodulate emotions", International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, June 8-June 10, 2016, La Grande Motte, France.
J. Likitlersuang and J. Zariffa, "Arm angle detection in egocentric video of upper extremity tasks", World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, June 7-June 12, 2015, Toronto, ON, Canada.
J. Zariffa, "A review of source separation and source localization approaches in peripheral nerves", 48th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, November 2-November 5, 2014, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
J. Zariffa, M.K. Nagai, M. Schuettler, T. Stieglitz, Z.J. Daskalakis and M.R. Popovic, "A framework for the discrimination of neural pathways using multi-contact nerve cuff electrodes", 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 30-September 3, 2011, Boston, MA, USA.
J. Zariffa and J.D. Steeves, "Computer vision-based classification of hand grip variations in neurorehabilitation", IEEE 12th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 29-July 1, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
J. Zariffa, N. Kapadia, J.L.K. Kramer, P. Taylor, M. Alizadeh-Meghrazi, V. Zivanovic, R. Willms, A. Townson, A. Curt, M.R. Popovic and J.D. Steeves, "Effect of a robotic rehabilitation device on upper limb function in a sub-acute cervical spinal cord injury population", IEEE 12th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 29-July 1, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
J.F. Tan, J. Zariffa, A. Vette, C. Lynch, K. Masani and M.R. Popovic, "Use of an inverted pendulum apparatus for the study of closed-loop FES control of the ankle joints during quiet standing", 15th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, September 8-12, 2010, Vienna, Austria.
J. Zariffa, M.K. Nagai, Z.J. Daskalakis and M.R. Popovic, "Bioelectric Source Localization in the Rat Sciatic Nerve: Initial Assessment Using an Idealized Nerve Model", World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7-12, 2009, Munich, Germany.
J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Application of EEG source localization algorithms to the monitoring of active pathways in peripheral nerves", 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 20-24, 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Decomposition of multi-contact nerve cuff signals into velocity-specific components", 31st Annual Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, June 11-13, 2008, Montreal, QC, Canada.
N. Tsolas, J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Rapid Automated Finite Element Modeling of Peripheral Nerves", 3rd Annual Canadian Student Conference on Biomedical Computing, March 13-15, 2008, Toronto, ON, Canada.
J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Finite element mesh reduction guidelines for the inverse problem of source localization in peripheral nerves", 30th Annual Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, June 16-19, 2007, Toronto, ON, Canada.
R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa, P.B. Yoo, “Predicting stimulation-evoked changes in rodent bladder function using machine learning”, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Orlando, USA, July 15-19, 2024.
N. Zhao, J. Zariffa, "Automated estimation of adapted GRASSP scores during activities of daily living using egocentric video", American Spinal Injury Association Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 20-23, 2024.
G. Boudreault-Morales, J. Zariffa, "The Effect of Depth on Pose Estimation", International Conference on Aging, Innovation and Rehabilitation, Toronto, Canada, May 6-7 2024.
G. Li, G. Balbinot, J.C. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Towards Precision Rehabilitation: Exploring Muscle Electrophysiological Profiles in Cervical SCI Through Surface EMG Clustering Analysis", International Conference on Aging, Innovation and Rehabilitation, Toronto, Canada, May 6-7 2024.
J. Eby, J. Zariffa, "Personalization of a myoelectric classification system to optimize information transfer after spinal cord injury", International Conference on Aging, Innovation and Rehabilitation, Toronto, Canada, May 6-7 2024.
O. Taran, D.M. Manzone, J. Zariffa, "Egocentric Hand Pose Estimation: Evaluating Methods and Datasets through Benchmarking", International Conference on Aging, Innovation and Rehabilitation, Toronto, Canada, May 6-7 2024.
R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa, P.B. Yoo, "Prediction of Stimulation-evoked Changes in Bladder Function via Machine Learning", International Conference on Aging, Innovation and Rehabilitation, Toronto, Canada, May 6-7 2024.
Y. Sun, J. Zariffa, "Improving selective peripheral neural recordings through transfer learning", International Conference on Aging, Innovation and Rehabilitation, Toronto, Canada, May 6-7 2024.
G. Li, G. Balbinot, J.C. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "How can a computational model for surface electromyography signal generation help us understand the alterations after spinal cord injury?", 10th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 21-23, 2023.
N. Zhao, J. Zariffa, "Automated hand function assessment from egocentric video after spinal cord injury", 10th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 21-23, 2023.
M. Dousty, D.J. Fleet, J. Zariffa, "Hand Function Analysis in individuals with Spinal Cord Injury: A Customized Egocentric Video-based Hand Taxonomy", 10th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 21-23, 2023.
A. Kaiser, K. Chan, J. Sessford, S. McCullum, P. Athanasopoulos, C. Rice, I. MacRitchie, J. Zariffa, K.E. Musselman, "Implementation challenges of activity-based therapy in Canada: A comparative analysis across key interest groups", 10th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Toronto, Canada, November 21-23, 2023.
G. Li, G. Balbinot, J.C. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Mechanistic characterization of surface electromyography signal alterations after spinal cord injury: insights from computational modeling", Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, November 11-15, 2023.
A. Bandini, M. Dousty, S.L. Hitzig, B.C. Craven, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Validity of hand use measures in the home environment obtained using egocentric video analysis", International Spinal Cord Society, Vancouver, Canada, September 15-18, 2022.
A. Kaiser, K. Chan, J. Zariffa, K.E. Musselman, “Activity-based therapy after spinal cord injury or disease: Development of a tracking tool using the Delphi Method”, International Spinal Cord Society, September 15-18, 2022 (virtual).
A. Bandini, M. Dousty, S.L. Hitzig, B.C. Craven, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Quantifying hand use in the home with first-person vision for individuals with tetraplegia", RehabWeek, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 25-29, 2022.
J. Sales Filho, M. ElAnsary, J. Xu, G. Dutta, L. Long, A. Shoukry, C. Tang, E. Killinc, J. Joshi, P. Sabetian, S. Unger, J. Zariffa, P. Yoo, R. Genov, "Sub-mW Inductively-Powered Fully-Wireless Bidirectional Peripheral Nerve Active Probe", CMC TEXPO, Quebec City, Canada, June 20, 2022.
G. Li, G. Balbinot, J. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Can baseline surface electromyography predict strength recovery of upper extremity muscles undergoing functional electrical stimulation therapy after cervical spinal cord injury?", ASIA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, May 18-20, 2022.
G. Balbinot, G. Li, J. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Recovery profiles for individual muscles under functional electrical stimulation therapy (FEST) in individuals living with spinal cord injury.", ASIA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, May 18-20, 2022.
G. Balbinot, G. Li, C. Gauthier, K.E. Musselman, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, J.C. Furlan, "Functional electrical stimulation therapy for upper extremity rehabilitation following spinal cord injury: a case series on neuromuscular changes.", ASIA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, May 18-20, 2022.
G. Balbinot, M.J. Wiest, G. Li, M. Pakosh, J.C. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Neurorehabilitation following traumatic spinal cord injury: a scoping review on the use of surface electromyography.", ASIA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, May 18-20, 2022.
G. Balbinot, G. Li, The EMSCI group, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "The biological limits of neurorecovery after spinal cord injury: Is there a proportional recovery rule for spinal cord injuries?", ASIA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, May 18-20, 2022.
A. Bandini, M. Dousty, J. Zariffa, "Automatic detection of hand-object interactions in individuals with tetraplegia living in the community via egocentric video and long-term recurrent convolutional networks", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 16-18, 2021 (virtual).
A. Bandini, A. Kadambi, R.D. Ramkalawan, S.L. Hitzig, J. Zariffa, "A web-based interface for monitoring hand use in people with cervical spinal cord injury living in the community", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 16-18, 2021 (virtual).
G. Li, G. Balbinot, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Prediction of Muscle Response to FES Therapy after Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries Using Surface Electromyography", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 16-18, 2021 (virtual).
M. Dousty, D.J. Fleet, J. Zariffa, "Postural Analysis of the Hand in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury Using Egocentric Video", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 16-18, 2021 (virtual).
A. Kaiser, K. Chan, M. Pakosh, S. McCullum, C. Rice, , K.E. Musselman, "The characteristics of activity-based therapy interventions for people living with spinal cord injury or disease across the continuum of care: A scoping review", , November 16-18, 2021 (virtual).
G. Balbinot, G. Li, M.J. Wiest, M. Pakosh, J.C. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Properties of the surface electromyogram following traumatic spinal cord injury: a scoping review", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 16-18, 2021 (virtual).
G. Balbinot, G. Li, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Predictive factors for strength recovery in individual muscles after cervical spinal cord injury", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 16-18, 2021 (virtual).
G. Balbinot, G. Li, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Electrophysiological multimodal assessments improve the prediction of strength recovery in hand muscles after cervical spinal cord injury", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 16-18, 2021 (virtual).
Y. E. Hwang, R. Genov, J. Zariffa, "Reducing convolutional neural network architectures for selective peripheral nerve recording on implantable devices", Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Nov, 8-11, 2021 (virtual).
A. Kaiser, S. Martin, K. Chan, S. McCullum, C. Rice, P. Athanasopoulos, S. Forrester, J. Leo, I. MacRitchie, J. Zariffa, K.E. Musselman, "Identification of parameters for tracking activity-based therapy for people living with spinal cord injury or disease through focus group interviews with key stakeholders", International Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Sept. 29 – Oct. 2, 2021 (virtual).
H.J. Rademeyer, C. Gauthier, J. Zariffa, K. Walden, T. Jeji, S. McCullum, K.E. Musselman, "Using technology to enhance activity-based therapy for individuals with spinal cord injury or disease: rehabilitation hospital therapists’ perspectives", American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sept. 26-29, 2021 (virtual).
M. Tsai, R.H. Wang, J. Zariffa , “Identifying functional hand use and hand roles of stroke survivors in activities of daily living using egocentric video”, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sept. 26-29, 2021 (virtual).
G. Balbinot*, G. Li*, J. Furlan, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Point-of-care prediction of muscle responsiveness to functional electrical stimulation therapy during neurorehabilitation”, Wings for Life Scientific Meeting, April 14-16, 2021 (virtual).
M. Tsai, R.H. Wang, J. Zariffa, “Identifying hand use and hand roles after stroke using egocentric video”, Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery Annual Scientific Meeting, 2020, Dec. 2-4 [virtual].
A. Bandini, J. Zariffa, “A deep learning approach for detecting hand-object interactions from egocentric videos after cervical spinal cord injury: First results in the home environment”, American Spinal Injury Association annual meeting, October 4-5, 2020 [virtual].
A. Bandini, J. Likitlersuang, R.J. Visée, J. Zariffa, "Hand-object interaction detection with an egocentric video-based system in patients with cervical spinal cord injury: First results in the home environment", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, October 17-19, Niagara Falls, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019.
D. Tovbis, A. Agur, J. Mogk, J. Zariffa, "Identifying Fascicles in Peripheral Nerves using a Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, October 17-19, Niagara Falls, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019.
M. Dousty, R. Visée, J. Zariffa, "Extracting Wrist Angle of Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury from Egocentric Video", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, October 17-19, Niagara Falls, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019.
R.J. Visée, J. Likitlersuang, J. Zariffa, "Hand Function Analysis for Spinal Cord Injury: Detecting Hands in Egocentric Videos at Home", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, October 17-19, Niagara Falls, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019.
J.D. Silverman, K. Masani, J. Zariffa, "Validity and Reliability of Time-Domain Surface Electromyography Features following Spinal Cord Injury", National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, October 17-19, Niagara Falls, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019.
A. Bandini*, J. Likitlersuang*, R.J. Visée, J. Zariffa, "Automatic hand-object interaction detection using first person videos in individuals with cervical spinal cord injury living in the community", International Neurorehabilitation Symposium (part of RehabWeek), June 24-28, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019.
D. Tovbis, A. Agur, J. Mogk, J. Zariffa, "A region-based convolutional neural network to detect fascicles in peripheral nerves", International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS; part of RehabWeek), June 24-28, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019.
B. Chan, J. Zariffa, S. Kalsi-Ryan, B.C. Craven, “Half a million dollars in lifetime home care savings with improvements in upper limb function for individuals with SCI”, GTA Rehab Network Best Practices Day, May 3, 2019, Toronto, ON, Canada.
R.G.L. Koh, A.I. Nachman, J. Zariffa, "Discriminating naturally evoked compound action potentials from nerve cuff recordings with convolutional neural networks", Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-7, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA.
R.G.L. Koh, A.I. Nachman, J. Zariffa, “Naturally evoked compound action potential classification in peripheral nerve recordings using spatiotemporal signatures”, Neural Interfaces Conference, June 25-27, 2018, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
P. Sabetian, R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa, P.B. Yoo, “Feasibility of differentiating afferent vs. efferent neural activity with a nerve cuff electrode”, Neural Interfaces Conference, June 25-27, 2018, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
F. Mansouri, V. Niranjan, J.S. Wu, D. Akhmedjanov, M. Nuh, P. Giacobbe, J. Zariffa, J. Downar, “Novel 3D printed headset for navigation of brain stimulation and brain recording”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 17-21, 2018, Singapore.
J. Likitlersuang, E. Sumitro, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Monitoring functional hand use with wearable cameras: towards a novel outcome measure for upper extremity function at home", 7th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 9-11, 2017, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada [1st Place Abstrac Award Winner – Student Category].
E. Sumitro, J. Likitlersuang, S. Kalsi-Ryan, J. Zariffa, "Clustering recurrent hand postures of individuals with spinal cord injury in wearable camera video", 7th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 9-11, 2017, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada [3rd Place Abstract Award Winner – Student Category].
R.G.L. Koh, P. Garai, J. Zariffa, "Importance of modelling detail in the development of peripheral nerve interfaces", 7th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 9-11, 2017, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
P. Sabetian, R.G.L. Koh, J. Zariffa, P. Yoo, "Novel tetrapolar nerve cuff electrode design to record low-noise bi-directional nerve activity", 7th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, November 9-11, 2017, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.
F. Mansouri, J. Zariffa, and J. Downar, "Real-time EEG forecasting and phase-locked, ‘closed-loop’ tACS", Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 25-29, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
J. Dawe, J. Zariffa, and K. Musselman, “Examining the validity of accelerometry for measuring arm use in children”, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference 2017, June 21-24, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.
H. Singh, J. Unger, J. Zariffa, M. Pakosh, K.E. Musselman, "Therapeutic Use of Robotics for Upper Extremity SCI Rehabilitation: Systematic Review", Canadian & Ontario Spinal Cord Injury Meeting, May 12-14, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada.
J. Likitlersuang, E. Sumitro, S. Kalsi-Ryan and J. Zariffa, “Interaction Detection in Egocentric Video: Towards a Novel Outcome Measure for Upper Extremity Function”, American Spinal Injury Association annual meeting, April 26-29, 2017, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
R.H. Wang, M. Coahran, J. Zariffa, and D. Hebert, “Evaluation of an upper limb robotic therapy program for older adult chronic stroke survivors: Preliminary finding”, Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, October 20-22, 2016, Montreal, QC, Canada.
R.G.L. Koh, A. Nachman and J. Zariffa, "Pathway Discrimination in Peripheral Recordings using Spatiotemporal Templates: A Simulation Study", North American Neuromodulation Society and Neural Interfaces Conference Joint Meeting, June 25-June 29, 2016, Baltimore, MD, USA.
J. Likitlersuang and J. Zariffa, "Monitoring functional hand use with wearable cameras: Towards a novel outcome measure for upper extremity function", Praxis 2016, April 25-April 27, 2016, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
M.G. Garcia, H. Vargas-Perez, M.K. Nagai, J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, “Volitional modulation of neural activity to control a 2 degree-of-freedom brain-machine interface in a rat model”, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, June 7-June 12, 2015, Toronto, ON, Canada.
J. Zariffa, S. Kalsi-Ryan, International GRASSP Research and Design Team, GRASSP Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Study Teams, “Investigation of relationships between components of the Graded Redefined Assessment of Strength, Sensibility and Prehension using machine learning", 4th Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society and the American Spinal Injury Association, May 14-16, 2015, Montreal, QC, Canada.
J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, “Hand identification in wearable camera video for monitoring hand use at home", 6th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, October 2-4, 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada.
J. Zariffa, S.L. Hitzig, M.R. Popovic, “Modulation of emotion using functional electrical stimulation of the “Duchenne marker”", 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, November 6-8, 2013, San Diego, USA.
J. Zariffa, J.D. Steeves and D.K. Pai, "Functional relevance of hand muscle synergy disruptions after spinal cord injury", 5th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference, October 18-20, 2012, Toronto, ON, Canada [1st Place Abstrac Award Winner – Research Category].
J. Zariffa, N. Kapadia, J.L.K. Kramer, P. Taylor, M. Alizadeh-Meghrazi, V. Zivanovic, R. Willms, A. Townson, A. Curt, M.R. Popovic and J.D. Steeves, "Upper limb robotic rehabilitation training in a subacute cervical SCI population: a pilot study", American Spinal Injury Association Annual Meeting, April 19-21, 2012, Denver, CO, USA.
J. Zariffa, N. Kapadia, J.L.K. Kramer, P. Taylor, M. Alizadeh-Meghrazi, V. Zivanovic, U. Albisser, R. Willms, A. Townson, A. Curt, M.R. Popovic and J.D. Steeves, "Relationship between robotic rehabilitation device measurements and upper limb clinical assessments in cervical spinal cord injury", American Spinal Injury Association Annual Meeting, April 19-21, 2012, Denver, CO, USA.
J.D. Steeves and J. Zariffa, "Virtual-reality, robot-assisted rehabilitation training for people living with limited hand function," 26e Congres de Medecine Physique et de Readaptation, October 13-15, 2011, Nantes, France.
J.D. Steeves, J. Kramer and J. Zariffa, "Developing clinically meaningful outcome measures for acute and subacute clinical SCI trials," 26e Congres de Medecine Physique et de Readaptation, October 13-15, 2011, Nantes, France.
L. Vaisman, J. Zariffa, K. Masani and M.R. Popovic, "Application of singular spectrum-based change-point analysis to EMG onset detection", 18th Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, June 16-19, 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
J. Zariffa, J.L.K. Kramer, P. Taylor, N. Kapadia, R. Willms, A. Townson, M.R. Popovic and J.D. Steeves, "Use of a virtual-reality upper-limb robotic rehabilitation device after cervical spinal cord injury", American Spinal Injury Association Annual Meeting, May 25-28, 2010, Nashville, TN, USA.
J. Zariffa and M.R. Popovic, "Dimensionality reduction of a bioelectric source localization problem using forward field similarities", Neural Interfaces Conference, June 16-18, 2008, Cleveland, OH, USA.
J. Zariffa and B.L. Bardakjian, "Topology and complexity in coupled mapped clock oscillators representing CA3 neural networks", 2004 Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, October 13-16, 2004, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
J. Zariffa, M. Starkey, A. Curt, S. Kalsi-Ryan, “Use of Technology in the Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb After Cervical Spinal Cord Injury”, In: Neurorehabilitation Technology, Editors: D.J. Reinkensmeyer, L. Marchal-Crespo, V. Dietz. (eds), Springer, Cham, November 2022.
C. Katz, J. Zariffa, T. Valiante, “Intracranial electroencephalography”, In: The NeuroTech Primer: A Beginner's Guide to Everything Neurotechnology, NeuroTechX, December 2021.
J. Zariffa, "Improving Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb through Big Data", In: Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Biomedical Big Data, Editors: E.Sejdic, T.H. Falk, CRC Press, July 2018.